Media & communication studies

Semester one

1) Communication Skills
2) Principles of Management
3) Economics
4) Introduction to Computer
5) Research Methodology
6) Psychology
7) Christian Education and Ethic

Semester two

8) Feature Writing
9) Media Law & Ethics
10) Basic News Reporting
11) Political Science
12) Press English
13) Public Relations
14) Sub-Editing

Semester Three

15) Media Management
16) Videography
17) Advertising & Marketing
18) Tv &Radio Production
19) Entrepreneurship & Business Management
20) Photo Journalism
21) Strategic Media Planning

Semester Four

22) Field work/Attachments
23) Research proposal & report

Social work & National Development

Semester one

1) Communication Skills
2) Principles of Management
3) Economics
4) Introduction to Computer
5) Research Methodology
6) Psychology
7) Christian Education and Ethic

Semester two

8) Disaster Management
9) Sociology
10) Introduction to Social Work
11) Social Law
12) Introduction to Counselling
13) Principles & Practices of Community Development
14) Adult Education
15) Rural & Urban Sociology

Semester Three

16) Community Based Intervention Strategies
17) Project Planning & Management
18) Social Services in Developing Countries
19) Management of NGOs
20) Entrepreneurship
21) Social Work & National Development
22) Social Security

Semester Four

23) Field work/Attachments
24) Research proposal & report

Community Development & Management

Semester one

1) Communication Skills
2) Principles of Management
3) Economics
4) Introduction to Computer
5) Research Methodology
6) Psychology
7) Christian Education and Ethic

Semester two

8) Disaster Management
9) Sociology
10) Introduction to Social Work
11) Social Law
12) Introduction to Counselling
13) Principles & Practices of Community Development
14) Adult Education
15) Rural & Urban Sociology

Semester Three

16) Community Based Intervention Strategies
17) Project Planning & Management
18) Social Services in Developing Countries
19) Management of NGOs
20) Entrepreneurship
21) Social Work & National Development
22) Social Security

Semester Four

23) Field work/Attachments
24) Research proposal & report

Human Resource management

Semester one

1) Communication Skills
2) Principles of Management
3) Economics
4) Introduction to Computer
5) Research Methodology
6) Psychology
7) Christian Education and Ethic

Semester two

8) Human Resource 1
9) Business Communication
10) Business Law
11) Employee Relations
12) Employment Law
13) Organizational Behaviour
14) Strategic Human Resource Management

Semester three

15) Human Resource Planning
16) Mathematics & Statistics
17) Human Resource 2
18) Business Accounting
19) Entrepreneurship & Business Management

Semester Four

20) Field work/Attachments
21) Research proposal & report

Business administration

Semester one

1. Communication Skills
2. Principles of Management
3. Economics
4. Introduction to Computer
5. Research Methodology
6. Psychology
7. Christian Education and Ethic

Semester two

8. Human Resource Management
9. Business Accounting
10. Organizational Behaviour
11. Business Law
12. Business Administration
13. Business mathematics Human Resource 1
14. Decision Making
15. Financial management

Semester three

16. Management Accounting
17. Management Information Systems
18. Principles of Marketing
19. Entrepreneurship & Business Management
20. Production & Operations Management
21. International Business
22. Strategic Management

Semester Four

23. Field work/Attachments
24. Research proposal & report

Agribusiness management

Semester one

1. Communication Skills
2. Principles of Management
3. Economics
4. Introduction to Computer
5. Research Methodology
6. Psychology
7. Christian Education and Ethic

Semester two

8. Agriculture economics I
9. Agricultural Production I
10. Agricultural Marketing, I
11. Agricultural Extension I
12. Management of Agribusiness Enterprises
13. Farm Management
14. Applied Mathematics
15. Financial Accounting

Semester Three

16. Agriculture economics II
17. Agricultural Production II
18. Agriculture Finance
19. Agricultural Marketing II
20. Agricultural Extension II
21. Project Management
22. Financial Management
23. Entrepreneurship & business management

Semester Four

24. Field work/Attachments
25. Research proposal & report

One-year diploma/ pan African Courses

I. Peace building and conflict transformation

Term 1

1. Introduction to peace and conflict
2. Communication skills
3. Conflict analysis – the African condition
4. Project planning and management
5. Introduction to human right concepts
6. Research methodology

Term 2

1. Community Development
2. Peace and Christian Faith
3. African indigenous Mechanism
4. Gender and development
5. Third party intervention
6. Mineral resource conflict

Term 3

1. Non – Violence
2. Introduction to Ethics and World views
3. Zambia Peace building Institute
4. Comparative Theories of Conflict and Development
5. Environmental Security and Climate Change
6. Research Reports, Presentation and Defence

Specialized Care for Vulnerable Children (OVCs & Children at Risk)

Term 1

1. Communication skills
2. Introduction to computers
3. Research methodology
4. Introduction to child psychology/development
5. Introduction to social psychology
6. Special needs of orphans and vulnerable children

Term 2

1. Project planning and management
2. Community development
3. Differently able
4. Nutrition and health education
5. book keeping (basic accounting)
6. Psycho-Social support for children

Term 3

1. Psycho-Social counselling
2. Child protection & Convention on the rights of the child
3. Awareness and management of STDs, TB, HIV/AIDS
4. Entrepreneurship
5. Advocacy & Lobbying
6. Research Reports, Presentation and Defence

Women training program

Term 1

1. Communication skills
2. Introduction to computers
3. Research methodology
4. Leadership development
5. Adult education
6. Christian education & Ecumenism

Term 2

1. Sociology of development
2. Project planning and management
3. Management skills
4. Women, social justice & peace
5. Women & health
6. Gender & Development

Term 3

1. Women, food & nutrition
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Women, children, STDs & HIV/AIDS
4. Counselling
5. Women & small scale industries
6. Research Reports, Presentation and Defence

Youth leadership Training

Term 1

1. Communication skills
2. Introduction to computers
3. Research methodology
4. Leadership development
5. Adult education
6. Christian education & Ecumenism

Term 2

1. Sociology of development
2. Project planning and management
3. Management skills
4. Methods & techniques of youth work
5. Psychology of adolescence
6. Youth & society

Term 3

1. Entrepreneurship
2. Youth, STDs & HIV/AIDS
3. Counselling
4. Youth & small scale industries
5. Participatory youth methods in development
6. Research Reports, Presentation and Defence

Project management

Term 1

1. Communication skills
2. Introduction to computers
3. Research methodology
4. Management skills
5. Introduction to project management
6. Introduction to project life cycle

Term 2

1. Project management Vs Program management
2. Individual & team issues in projects
3. Project risk management
4. Project management organizational structure & standards
5. Project time planning and Control
6. Project cost planning & control

Term 3

1. Project quality management
2. Project Monitoring & evaluation
3. Project proposal writing
4. Project report writing
5. Research Reports, Presentation and Defence

Monitoring and evaluation

Term 1

1. Communication skills
2. Introduction to computers
3. Research methodology
4. Monitoring & Evaluation: Paradigms, principles & Concepts
5. Evaluation Capacity development & Change
6. Evaluation of development Policies, Programs & Projects

Term 2

1. Designing, Conducting & Managing Evaluations
2. Project management theory & practice
3. Results oriented Monitoring & Evaluation
4. Data collection methods in the field of evaluation
5. Communication Skills in Evaluation
6. Data analysis in Evaluation

Term 3

1. Project & Program evaluation information systems
2. Organizational knowledge & Economics evaluation
3. Public policy design & management
4. Project recourse mobilization & management
5. Organizational change & development
6. Research Reports, Presentation and Defence

Certificate courses

General Hospitality

Course Content
1. 1 Communication Skills
1. 2 Entrepreneurship
1. 3 Christian Ethics
1. 4 ICT Theory & Practical
1. 5 House Keeping
1. 6 Front Office
1. 7 Food Production
Three (3) Months Field work/Attachments

Computer appreciation

2. 1 Communication Skills
2. 2 Entrepreneurship
2. 3 Christian Ethics
2. 4 Microsoft word
2. 5 Microsoft Access
2. 6 Microsoft Excel
2. 7 Power point
2. 8 ICT Theory & Practical

Tailoring & design

Course content

3. 1 Entrepreneurship
3. 2 Computer Studies
3. 3 Communication Skills
3. 4 Christian Ethics
3. 5 Tailoring Theory & Practical
3. 6 Design Theory